Coordination number

If you receive a residence permit under the Temporary Protection Directive, you will not be entered in the Swedish population register and therefore will not be able to obtain a Swedish personal number. However, if you presented your identity documents when applying for a residence permit, you will be assigned a coordination number.

This is a personal identification number that will make it easier for you to contact government services, sign an employment contract or open a bank account.

The Migration Service submits a request for a coordination number to those who have presented an identity card and received a decision to grant protection in accordance with the Temporary Protection Directive. The decision to assign a coordination number is made by the Tax Service.

Information for persons arriving in Sweden from Ukraine Skatteverket

“Personnummer” and “samordningsnummer” are identification numbers used in Sweden, but they have different purposes.

Both numbers are 12-digit identification numbers that are given to every resident of Sweden.

Personnummer consists of the person's date of birth (in YYMMDD format), the last three digits of the unique person number, and a check digit.

Coordination number

consists of the person's date of birth (in YYMMDD format) and four digits, but the number 60 is added to the date of birth.

That is, if your date of birth is January 1, 1990, your personal number will be “19900101-xxxx” and your samordningsnummer will be “19900161-xxxx”.

Samordningsnummer is an identification number that can be issued to people who do not have resident status in Sweden but still need identification to receive certain services or rights. By holding a samordingsnummer, a person may have access to some social services and rights in Sweden, but restrictions may apply.

Here are some of the rights that may be associated with the samordingsnummer:

1. Health care: With the samordingsnummer, you can access health care in Sweden through the general health insurance system.

2. Banking services: Some banks may allow the opening of a bank account to persons with a samordingsnummer. However, the availability of services may be limited.

3. Renting a house: With a samordingsnummer it is possible to rent a house in Sweden, but it can be more difficult than for persons with a Personnummer.

4. Obtaining various permits: Certain types of permits, such as a work permit, may be available to individuals with a samordingsnummer, depending on the circumstances and requirements of the specific situation.

However, it is important to note that the rights associated with the samordingsnummer may be limited compared to the rights granted by the Personnummer. For example, a person with a samordingsnummer may have limited access to social services or rights to work, education and other aspects of social life in Sweden.

Ukrainian refugees in Sweden without a Personnummer may face a number of problems that complicate their life and integration. Some of the more common problems include:

1. Access to medical care: Without a Personnummer it can be difficult to access full medical care. Although the Swedish health care system provides some services free of charge for everyone, without the correct ID number it can be difficult to get a wider range of services or register with the system.

2. Social services: Refugees may have limited access to social services such as unemployment benefits, housing benefits or financial benefits without a Personnummer.

3. Getting a job: Without a Personnummer, it can be difficult to find a job or get an official job. Many employers require this number from employees to register in the work system.

4. Access to education: Refugees may have limited access to education without a Personnummer. Some educational institutions may require it to enroll in courses or receive aid.

5. Banking services: Without a Personnummer it can be difficult to open a bank account or get other financial services from banks.

6. Housing issues : Without a Personnummer it can be difficult to find or rent housing in Sweden. Many property owners may require an official identification number to enter into a tenancy agreement.

7. Obtaining insurance : Refugees may find it difficult to obtain various types of insurance, such as health insurance or property insurance, without a Personnummer.

8. Documentation: Lack of a Personnummer can make it difficult to obtain various documents, such as a driver's license, making it impossible to use BankID and Swish (a popular electronic payment system in Sweden)

Consequently, the absence of a Personnummer can complicate the integration of Ukrainian refugees into Swedish society and limit their access to various social, medical and financial services.

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