School, kindergarten

Children and adolescents who have applied for or received a residence permit with temporary protection do not have to attend school, but they have the same right to education in Sweden as children and adolescents seeking asylum.

Children and adolescents who have been granted a residence permit with temporary protection are not required to attend educational institutions. The law on compulsory school education does not apply to them. But if they decide to go to a Swedish school, they must attend all classes. If a student is absent from school often or for a long time, the principal must find out the reason, even if the student is not covered by the compulsory school education rule.

For children from 1 to 6 years old

Preschool is intended for children aged one to six years. Preschool should be fun, safe and educational for all children who go there.

Your child is entitled to a preschool from the age of 1, if you as the child's guardian work or study, or if the child has his own needs.

In the year when your child turns 3, he is entitled to preschool education, even if you are not working or studying.

To get a place in a preschool or school, you as a guardian need to apply yourself to the municipality in which you live. The municipality can inform you about existing preschools and schools and tell you how to apply.

Preschool class, basic secondary school education and after-school center

Most children start preschool when they are six years old. After the pre-school class, they start studying in a nine-year basic secondary school. After-school centers are supplements to the preschool class and basic secondary school education, which are offered to students to spend their free time wisely while their parents are working or studying.

To get a place in a preschool or school, you as a guardian need to apply yourself to the municipality in which you live. The municipality can inform you about existing preschools and schools and tell you how to apply. There are also independent schools in Sweden that you can apply to. All schools are free.

Compulsory schooling in Sweden lasts 10 years, and children usually start school at the age of 6. In the first year, students study in a preschool class (Förskoleklass), and this year corresponds to the first grade of a Ukrainian basic school.


Children in Swedish schools do not receive grades up to the 6th grade. In the 6th grade, the student receives grades and a report card once per semester. When assigning grades, teachers evaluate what knowledge the student has shown during the semester. Final grades are issued when the student has studied all the subjects included in compulsory school. This happens when the 9th year of study ends.

The grading scale has six grades: A – F. Satisfactory results are given A – E, and unsatisfactory results are given F. With the final grade, you submit an application to the gymnasium.

Note that if a child has an F in Swedish, English or Maths, they cannot start grammar school!

For young people aged 16 to 20 years.

Young people who have finished primary school can continue their education in gymnasium, which is voluntary and free of charge. Gymnasium consists primarily of national curricula and entrance programs.

After completing the mandatory 10-year education at school, children take exams (nationella prov). After that, they have the choice of continuing their studies at the gymnasium or going to work (most choose the first option).

To go to a gymnasium, a child must have completed 9 grades of primary school and be no older than 20 years old.


YRKESPROGRAM (professional programs)

To be eligible for a vocational training programme, you must have approved grades in Swedish or Swedish as a second language, English, mathematics and at least five other primary school subjects.

HÖGSKOLEFÖRBEREDANDEPROGRAM (university preparatory programs)

To be eligible for the university preparatory programme, you also need to have approved grades in Swedish or Swedish as a second language, English, mathematics and at least nine other primary school subjects.

If your child does not have satisfactory grades in some subjects, there are several options:

1. Take summer courses: Many municipalities organize summer courses for students. These courses help you test your grades over the summer and gain the qualifications you need.

2. Attend an entry program at a grammar school: There are four different entry programs that can give you the opportunity to take a national exam or prepare for work. The choice of a specific program depends on how many subjects you lack grades and which national program you plan to enter.

3. Take an extra year of school: If you wish, it is possible to attend an extra year of primary school. This is a decision made by the school principal.

When a newly arrived student goes to school, the teacher assesses the student's knowledge. After that, the school principal decides which class the student should attend (taking into account the knowledge of mathematics, reading and other subjects). The director takes into account the teacher's assessment, the student's age and other personal circumstances. Your child can go to the same class with students of the same age even without knowing Swedish.

Pupils of grades 7-9 who have arrived again, as well as all pupils of gymnasiums and special gymnasiums, must have an individual study plan. The plan should accompany the student throughout his studies and be revised if necessary. Usually the teacher develops the plan together with the student, but it is the school principal who is responsible for the school to develop an individual curriculum and for the student to participate in this development.

In order for children and young people to have the opportunity to learn the language, students learn Swedish at the same time as they study in the regular classroom (Svenska som andraspråk). This means that alongside the main course in Swedish, there is additional training aimed at improving the language skills of students learning Swedish as a second language. This approach allows for effective learning of the Swedish language and successful integration of students into Swedish society.

Pupils in Swedish schools also have the right to be taught in their mother tongue (modersmål) and to receive help in their mother tongue in studying other subjects (studiehandledare).

"Modersmål" means "mother tongue" in Swedish. This is a program that allows students in Swedish society schools to learn and develop their mother tongue in parallel with learning Swedish.

"Studiehandlereda" means "study assistant" or "study assistant". This is a specialist who provides assistance to students in the study of a particular subject or subjects. They can provide support and clarification to students who have difficulty understanding the material.


At least once a semester, the teacher, the student, and the minor student's parent or guardian must meet to discuss how the student is doing at school and what progress the student is making. This is called a student development conversation.

For preschool students, the school holds conversations about the student's development at least once per school year. The conversation should give a picture of the student's cognitive and social development.

During the conversation, you should talk about how the school can support and stimulate the development and learning of the student.

The conversation gives the student and the guardian an opportunity to influence the learning process and take responsibility for it. Here, among other things, the student's possible need for additional adaptation to his needs and special support is considered.

In Swedish and Ukrainian schools, it is possible to leave the child in the extended day group. This can be done by parents or guardians who are working or if it is necessary (e.g. for accelerated learning of Swedish). To do this, you need to fill out a questionnaire and indicate your income, on the basis of which the price for participation in the extended day group is formed.

In Swedish preschools and schools, all students are entitled to free meals. Schools support the principles of prevention and monitor the general well-being of students. They have access to a health team with a school nurse, school doctor, psychologist, counselor and staff with special teaching skills. This includes health checks and vaccinations, as well as taking into account the individual needs of students, such as separate meals for those with allergies.

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